snowman playing a recorder

Courtly Music Unlimited

Everything for the recorder enthusiast, or those who would like to be!

Richie & Elaine Henzler, Proprietors
800-2-Richie (800-274-2443)

89 River Street, 3rd Floor Unit 3 (River Street Plaza),
Warrensburg, NY 12885-1665



Part Number and Description Price
H51 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
THE BEGINNERS METHOD FOR SOPRANO and ALTO RECORDER, Bk. 1/ An elementary combined method suitable for individual or classroom use with children or adults. Popular folk songs are used & include lyrics. Introduction gives description of musical symbols, brief discussion of breathing, tonguing, holding the recorder, diagram of recorder & finger relationships, fingering chart for both C & F recorders. As notes are introduced there is a clear diagram of fingerings needed and an explanation of time signature, rhythm, notes values and any other musical terms required. So the instruments can be taught simultaneous, one page is devoted to soprano and the other to alto. After the initial exercises there are duets, the part that does not have the melody in the duet is given a solo version underneath the duet. Notes taught for Soprano are: the first octave C-C plus D,F#,Bb,G#. Notes taught for Alto are: the first octave F-F plus G, F#,Bb,Eb,C#. 46 pages
H52 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
THE BEGINNERS METHOD FOR SOPRANO and ALTO RECORDER, Bk 2/ A continuation of book 1 with a similar format. There are no initial exercises only duet & solo versions of folk songs are given for practice of new notes and rhythms. All the major scales are written out for both instruments. The following high notes for Soprano are taught: E,F#,G,F,Eb,A. The following high notes for Alto are taught: A,B,C,Bb,Ab,D. 46 pages.
JRCM (Charlton, Andrew)
THE CHARLTON METHOD FOR THE RECORDER A Manual for the Advanced Player. Bernard J. Hopkins in the November 1982 issue of The American Recorder reviewed the first edition. The review started: 'If a serious and determined recorder player is seeking a guide for his ascent of Parnassus, he will find it in this volume. Andrew Charlton ... has produced this 'Complete Recorder Player' to fill a long-felt need for a comprehensive adult tutor.' Contents include: Fingering & trill charts, 63 basic technique exercises, 69 articulation & coordination studies, 14 interval studies, Alternate fingering studies and exercises, 39 scale & arpeggio studies, 16 studies for bass, Vibrato, 12 studies and 16 duos from the works of Bach, Renaissance embellishment, Baroque embellishment, double & triple tonguing, Clefs-including 17 exercises and 2 duets, 22 characteristic etudes for various recorders, 15 duos by a wide variety of composers for various recorder combinations. 180 pages. For both C & F recorders (This is not specifically a bass method, but it contains a wealth of bass material.) Photo
OK63743 (Kulbach, Johanna / Nitka, Arthur)
THE RECORDER GUIDE/ A method for soprano and alto using folk melodies (many with lyrics) from around the world including guitar chords. No previous knowledge of music is necessary. The concise out line of the rudiments at the beginning of the book quickly teaches the novice how the staff is formed, what a clef is, and the names of the notes. Rhythms, rhythmical notations and various symbols are explained and illustrated. A short text at the beginning introduces recorder techniques, such as, hand position, fingering, breathing and tonguing. The main body of the GUIDE gradually and carefully teaches the various skills necessary to make music. For individual or group instruction, children or adults. It is designed to give instruction to the beginning Soprano or Alto player, separately or in any combination, with or without the help of a teacher. Each part of the duets, melody and harmony, stays with in the lesson level. Spiral bound, 128 pages, fingering chart and diagrams.