snowman playing a recorder

Courtly Music Unlimited

Everything for the recorder enthusiast, or those who would like to be!

Richie & Elaine Henzler, Proprietors
800-2-Richie (800-274-2443)

89 River Street, 3rd Floor Unit 3 (River Street Plaza),
Warrensburg, NY 12885-1665



Part Number and Description Price
1989 (Manus, Morton)
LEARN TO PLAY THE ALFRED WAY - RECORDER/ A basic soprano method for classroom or individual use. Begins with brief description of the recorder family, holding recorder, staff and notes. When a note is introduced the first line of exercise has the 'letter' name written in the head of the note. There are many duets, several trios and rounds and a few musical games. Notes covered include: lower octave C-C', plus F#,Bb,C#,D',E',F', F#,G',A' Fingering chart. 48 pages Photo
3900 (Feldstein, Sandy)
YAMAHA RECORDER STUDENT/ For classroom or individual use. This book contains 48 favorite melodies with lyrics, chord symbols plus a piano/guitar chord chart. There are also theory games, duets and a trio, a brief introduction and a nice clear chart introducing staff, notes, rests, clef & notes on the staff. New notes and musical concepts are clearly presented in a boxed diagram at the top of each page. The lower octave C to C' is taught plus D',Bb & F#. 32 pages with fingering chart at end of book. Photo
521569907 (Fagan, Margo)
PLAYTIME - Stage 4/ A soprano method in a series format for the young beginner. The books have large print staff and notes, words are used to teach rhythms, each page has humorous, cute drawings and there is lots of practice material for each note. Includes finger diagram (staff chart and drawing of recorder with fingers in position) and Fingering Chart. Each book has 32 pages. The glossy cover will stand up to much use. Published by University of Cambridge Press. Notes added in book 4 are G#,D#, A#,C#, E',F',Ab,F#',G',D#'.Eb',F' A mixture of original tunes and familiar tradition melodies are used to extend the range of notes into the upper register.
521569923 (Fagan, Margo)
PLAYTIME - Stage 2/ A soprano method in a series format for the young beginner. The books have large print staff and notes, words are used to teach rhythms, each page has humorous, cute drawings and there is lots of practice material for each note. Includes finger diagram (staff chart and drawing of recorder with fingers in position) and Fingering Chart. Each book has 32 pages. The glossy cover will stand up to much use. Published by University of Cambridge Press. Notes added in book 2 are middle C and D, slurs and accents introduced. Copious material for notes learned.
674 (d'Auberge, Alfred/ Manus, Morton)
IT'S RECORDER TIME/ A basic method of learning to play the soprano recorder and read music through the use of folk, classical and familiar songs. Begins with description of the recorder family, brief description of holding the recorder and staff and notes. Notes taught: B,A,G,C',D,F,E,D,F#,Bb,C There are a few games, numerous duets & a few trios. Most songs have lyrics. Fingering chart. 32 pages. Suitable for classroom or individual use. For additional music in this series use It's Recorder Time Holiday Song Book 2070 (see additional material)
AS10255 (Gamse, Albert)
THE BEST RECORDER METHOD - YET!/ Includes care and brief history of recorder, holding breathing & tonguing, a fingering chart and elementary music principles. Tones introduced are the 1st octave, low C to middle C plus, F#, Bb, high D & E. There are 44 pages of solo practice material with songs ranging from Sidewalks of New York to works by Bach. There are 3 songs with finger diagrams over every note, 8 pages of unison playing for soprano & alto, 6 pages of duets for 2 sopranos, 8 pages of duets for SA & AT, 15 pages of trios SAT, 13 pages of quartets SATB. The music used covers standard 20th cen. popular, folk, Classical, 16th & 17th centuries & well-known English tunes. 96 pages in all. Older child Photo
CM1001 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
THE CLASSROOM RECORDER, Bk 1 soprano / Written for the elementary school music classroom. It introduces one new note at a time and includes no exercises. In place of exercises, pages 4-11 introduce the new notes in recorder and voice duets. Lyrics are included and musical symbols are given without explanation so that teachers can introduce these symbols in their own way. The book introduces low-D,E, F#, F,A,B,C,D. There are 33 songs, 23 pages. Additional material - THE DUET RECORDER Bk. 1, CM1002 Photo
CM1013 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
THE CLASSROOM RECORDER, Bk 2 soprano/ A continuation of book I with the following notes taught: low- C,F,G#,Bb,C#, high- Eb,E,F,F#,G,A. Each note is introduced slowly with a short etude and numerous melodies, including duets. When it is a song the lyrics are included. For additional material - THE DUET RECORDER Bk. 2, CM1015 see SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL.
DHP1043537 (Purfleet, Hope & Montgomery)
RECORDER WORLD Method for Recorder, BOOK 1 by David Purfleet, Gavin Hope, & Anne Montgomery. RECORDER WORLD is a place where you will experience many adventures with the recorder. You will get to know the great wizard and the wise owl. They will tell you all sorts of things about the recorder. They will also teach you how to read music notes and how to play them. There are fun music games, duets and trios to play with friends. The book comes with stickers that point out new things, such as new fingerings and musical notation. The range introduced is the first octave C to C, plus F#. Rhythms used are half-notes, quarter-notes, eighth-notes and 6/8. For the young beginner, ages 5 - 9. Beautifully illustrated. Half-size book with 39 pages. Photo
DHP1043704 (Michiel Oldenkamp & Paul van der Vort)
MAGIC TUNES 45 Recorder Tunes from England, Germany and the Netherlands with CD easy melodies that use the notes and musical ideas introduced in the RECORDER WORLD Method Books. Some of the songs are 'The Skye Boat', 'Sing a Song of Sixpence', 'Kumbaya' 'Morning has Broken' 'Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?' and many more. The CD contains 2 tracks: one complete, one accompaniment only. The book is full-size with 27 pages. For fun, one could color in the black and white illustrations. For Soprano Recorder, playing level is Easy. Photo
DHP1043725 (Purfleet, Hope, Montgomery)
RECORDER WORLD METHOD for RECORDER Book 3 This third volume in the series comes with a CD, each tune is played twice, first with a recorder then with an accompaniment track. The wizard and the owl continue to teach new things about music like slurs, counting measures of rests and new rhythms - sixteenth notes, dotted eighth notes. The new notes are high G, middle C# & G#. New games include listening to a melody on the CD, imitating it, then writing it down in the book. There are duets and rounds. the tunes are longer than in the first two books. This is a full-size book with 35 pages and beautifully illustrated. Photo
DHP1043756 (Purfleet, Hope & Montgomery)
RECORDER WORLD METHOD for RECORDER Book 2 In Book 2 the wizard and the wise owl take you further on your journey through this special world. There are lots more enjoyable, charming and amusing tunes,puzzles and games. For the true recorder acrobats there's the great recorder circus at the back of the book. The new songs in the first 13 pages review the notes learned in book 1 New musical concepts introduced are repeat signs, Da Capo and Dal Segno signs, new rhythmic patterns, glissando, double tonguing and other modern techniques. New notes introduced are Bb, high E and F. It is a beautifully illustrated half-size book with 39 pages. The tunes and games can be played solo or in a group with other children. Photo
DHP1053881 (Michiel Oldenkamp & Paul van der Voort)
SPECIAL SONGS 35 Recorder Tunes in Popular Styles with CD Easy original melodies composed in contemporary styles that use the notes and musical ideas introduced in the RECORDER WORLD Method Books. Some of the styles used are Latin, Rock, Ballad, Samba, Swing etc. The CD contains 2 tracks: one complete, one accompaniment only. The book is full-size with 27 pages. For fun, one could color in the black and white illustrations. For soprano recorder Photo
ED11464 (Bonsor, Brian)
ENJOY THE RECORDER, Descant Tutor, Book 1/ A comprehensive method for group, individual and self-learning. 'The best way to learn any instrument is to have lessons from a good, experienced teacher' This series of books sets out to help learners of all ages in all three situations' Experienced teachers' will find exercises and fine tunes a-plenty to support their own method at each stage. The less experienced will benefit from many valuable teaching hints culled from long experience and may rely on the books to lead to a sound playing technique and a mastery of simple notation' I can only wish that all who use these books will derive as much pleasure and musical satisfaction and gain as many lasting and valued friendships as I have through this most subtle, delightful and sociable of instruments.' Brian Bonsor The book has excellent diagrams of fingers, hands, sitting position and the recorder itself. From Making the First Sound on, there is much helpful writing from the teacher. Notes introduced in Bk. 1 are: B,A,G,C',D',E, D,F#,E',C#',C,F,Bb. A great deal of time is given to the new note, rhythm, articulation etc. that is introduced. Songs are folk, Classical and Renaissance with some Christmas carols and numerous rounds. At the end of the book there are six Concert Pieces written by Brian Bonsor, A table of Music terms and an Index of Tunes. This is all taught in a leisurely 101 pages. Suitable for the older child to adult.
ED11465 (Bonsor, Brian)
ENJOY THE RECORDER, Descant Tutor, Book 1 Accompaniments and Notes for Teachers/ Contains 3 pages of notes for teachers with supplementary information throughout the book; the bulk of the book contains excellent piano accompaniments - 170 pages with Index of Tunes at back of Spiral-bound Book.
ED11466 (Bonsor, Brian)
ENJOY THE RECORDER, Descant Tutor, Book 2/ A continuation of book 1 working through the upper octave to high D'', as well as, the remaining sharps and flats. Attention is given to difficult finger movements, with more information on tonguing and ornamentation. Musical material consists of exercises, folk songs from around the world, and tunes from the Renaissance and Baroque eras. For the older child.
ED11467 (Bonsor, Brian)
ENJOY THE RECORDER, Descant Tutor, Book 2 Accompaniments and Notes for Teachers/ There is a brief introduction explaining using book 2 and supplemental information when a new note or musical idea is introduced to the child. The majority of the 175 pages contain the excellent piano accompaniments with Index of Tunes at back of Spiral-bound book.
ED12590 (Gerhard Engel, Gudrun Heyens, Konrad Hunteler, Hans Martin Linde, Translated and Adapted by Peter Bowman)
FUN & GAMES WITH THE RECORDER - TUTOR BOOK 1/ A new collaborative Soprano method from Schott Educational Publications with Illustrations by Julie Beech and John Minnion. Three volumes which advance in small steps and include many playful elements suitable for both group and individual lessons. Discover the adventure of learning music. Make real progress through games: breathing, articulations, rhythm, tone. A mixture of lively new and traditional tunes. Tutor Book 1 is intended for children from about six years of age. The book is meant to speak directly to the child even those who cannot yet read. They are lead through the books by jester 'Dotty-do-a-lot' and all her friends. Beautiful color photographs and illustrations. Companion Tune Book 1 available Photo
ED12591 (Heyens/Engle)
FUN & GAMES WITH THE RECORDER TUNE BOOK 1 by Gerhard Engle & Gudrun Heyens Contains supplemental music that directly correlates to the Method Book 1 (ED12590. There are solos, duets and trio some with piano accompaniment and lovely illustrations to color also. Notes used: B,A,G,E,C,D Soprano recorder book is 20 pages, the piano accompaniment insert is 12 pages. Photo
ED12592 (Gerhard Engel, Gudrun Heyens, Konrad Hunteler, Hans Martin Linde, Translated and Adapted by Peter Bowman)
FUN and GAMES with the RECORDER - Tutor Book 2/ The notes C1,D1,F1,E2,F2 are added along with more recorder technique & general musical knowledge. Companion Tune Book 2 available
ED12593 (Heyens/Engle)
FUN & GAMES WITH THE RECORDER TUNE BOOK 2 by Gundrun Heyens and Gerhard Engel. Supplemental material that correlates to Method Book 2 (ED12592) 39 tunes - solos, duets, trios some with piano or drum accompaniment. The music is a variety of styles folk, classical, dances and Christmas carols. Notes: B,A,G,E,C,D, new notes low C,D,F,Bb and high notes E,F. There are also pictures to color. The recorder book is 32 pages, the piano accompaniment insert is 18 pages. Photo
ED12594 (Gerhard Engel, Gudrun Heyens, Konrad Hunteler, Hans Martin Linde, Translated and Adapted by Peter Bowman)
FUN and GAMES with the RECORDER - TUTOR BOOK 3/ Completes the full range of notes (adding high C#,Eb,F#,G,G#,A,Bb,B,C and low F#,C#,Eb) completing the range of 2 octaves. Introduced are scales of G Major, d & e minor and rhythms: 16ths & dotted eigth notes, 3/8 & 6/8 times. Prepares student for learning alto recorder. Series continues in Fun & Games Alto Method Book 1 (ED12703). Includes a complete fingering chart in back of book (56 pages). Additional material in companion Tune Book 3 Photo
ED12595 (Heyens/Engle)
FUN & GAMES WITH THE RECORDER-TUNE BOOK 3 by Gundrun Heyens & Gerhard Engel. Supplemental music corresponding to the technical and musical milestones of Method Book 3 (ED12594). Ensemble playing is developed throughout the book by the use of duets and trios (which introduce the large members of the recorder family-alto, tenor & bass)and through the use of pieces with piano and guitar accompaniment. Recorder book is 36 pages, piano accompaniment insert book is 16 pages. Photo
ED12596 (Gudrun Heyens,)
FUN and GAMES with the RECORDER - Teacher's COMMENTARY for Tutor Books 1,2, and 3/ The teaching methodology behind the tutors is explained and stimulating ideas for lessons are provided. The program in each tutor is laid out at a glance. Contains 29 pages of helpful information. Photo
EJ10006 (Pitts, John)
RECORDER from the BEGINNING Book 1/ A soprano recorder course in 3 stages designed for young children aged 7 and up. One of the most popular books in many parts of the world. No previous knowledge of either music or the recorder is assumed and full explanations are provided at every stage so that specialist teaching is not essential. Teacher's books are available for each stage, and these contain simple piano accompaniments, guitar chord symbols an suggestions for each tune. Opportunities are provided for recorder players to be accompanied by instrumental ostinati and other percussion accompaniments and for recorders to perform with singers in two-part duets, rounds and other activities. Large print is used. Children are to say and clap the words before playing the tune. Notes taught in book 1 are B,A,G,E,D,C. New musical notes and concepts are highlighted in box on the page. Last page lists tune titles, Pitches & Rhythms introduced and musical signs terms & techniques covered in book 1. 40 pages See SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL for Recorder from the BEGINNING: Tunebook 1 Photo
EJ10007 (Pitts, John)
RECORDER from the BEGINNING Book 2/ A continuation of book 1 with 46 tunes in large print and nice illustrations. New note are: D',F#,E',C#',C. Last 2 pages list Tune title index, Pitches & Rhythms introduced, Musical signs, terms & techniques covered and Class activities. See SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL for Recorder from the Beginning: Tunebook 2
EJ10008 (Pitts, John)
RECORDER from the BEGINNING Book 3/ A continuation of books 1 & 2 in the same format 47 tunes with large print. New notes added are:F,Bb, F', F#',G',G#,Eb',C' and all the enharmonics. last 2 pages list Tune index, Pitches & Rhythms introduced, new Musical signs, terms & techniques and Class activities. SEE SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL for the Recorder from the Beginning: Tunebook 3 Photo
EJ10014 (Pitts, John)
RECORDER from the BEGINNING TEACHER'S Book 3/ piano accompaniments & more. The same format as Teacher's Book 1 & 2 listed above
EJ10055 (Pitts, John)
RECORDER from the BEGINNING Book 1 with CD
EJ10056 (Pitts, John)
RECORDER from the BEGINNING TEACHER'S Book 2/ piano accompaniments & more. The same format as Teacher's Book 1 listed above
EJ10057 (Pitts, John)
RECORDER from the BEGINNING Book 3 with CD
H55 (Burakoff, Gerald)
THE ELEMENTARY METHOD FOR SOPRANO RECORDERS/ A systematic method for classroom use with very easy progressions, the range is low D to 4th line D. Brief introduction & explanation of rhythm. Each new note or musical concept is introduced with a warm-up exercise and 3 songs with lyrics. 32 pages. Fingering chart included.
HL00710010 (Sevush, Leo)
LET'S PLAY RECORDER - LEVEL 1/ An effective 2 level method for recorder instruction and a contemporary approach to instrumental learning. The student books include complete introductory materials suitable for instructional use with Baroque and German-style recorders. For general music class teaching, the basic student materials are supplemented by a special Teacher's Manual and a classroom cassette. 3/4 size book of about 40 pages. The author, Leo Sevush was Assistant Director of Music for New York City public schools when this book was published in 1981. He also taught and lectured at New York University and Brooklyn College, was Chairman of Orchestras for the New York State School Music Association and conductor of the New York City All-City High School Orchestra.
HL00710300 (Sevush, Leo)
LET'S PLAY RECORDER - LEVEL 2/ 3/4 size book of 40 pages. Quickly moves through upper octave. Few exercises, but many songs written as duets. Photo
M060107795 (Wastall, Peter)
OLD MACDONALD'S RECORDER Book 2 / A continuation of book 1 in the same format. Notes added are E',C,F,Bb,C#',F',Eb',Ab,F#',G'. The last page lists a teaching index of notes & musical ideas taught in book 1 & 2. 48 pages. Available in economy packs of ten. For additional material in this series see SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Old MacDonald's Barn Dance Book & Old MacDonald's Christmas Book Photo
M1004 (Kerr, Janet and Lumsden, Caroline)
MUSICLAND Book 2 / Continues with the musical tale of the insect friends and introduces these new notes: E',C#,G',C,F,Bb,F',F#'. New Rhythms include sixteenths and most dotted rhythms. Includes helpful notes for parents or teachers. Photo
MLR437 (J. O. Froseth)
DO IT! - book only
MLR438 (James O. Froseth)
DO IT! Play Recorder A World of Musical Enjoyment At Your Fingertips Method for the Soprano Recorder with CD An individualized format allows students to progress at their own pace. Theme & Variation Format provides easy challenging versions of material. Special projects allow students to excel and work independently. Includes music dictionary of signs, symbols, musical terms, fingerings and rhythm patterns. Detailed photographs provide exemplary models of technique such as embouchure, hand & instrument position, breathing and breath control. Creative musicianship opportunities abound - there is Call & Response (literal and improvised), Rhythmic, Pentatonic, Blues and Model improvisation. The Song repertoire surveys multi-musical styles of the world today, as well as, music of Earlier Times. Professional musicians provide authentic accompaniments on classic and contemporary instruments on the CD
MLR44 (James O. Froseth)
DO IT! / Teacher's Resource Guide with 2 Compact Discs 49 pages. To be able to use the method book to its fullest potential, teachers must get a copy of this book. The contents of the 2 teacher CD's contain necessary material that is not on the student CD.
SP2308 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
RECORDER TIME, Bk 1 soprano/ A completely sequenced step-by-step soprano method book for young beginners (3rd & 4th grades) with musical and technical suggestions for teacher and student. Note sequence: B,A,G,C,'D,'F#,E,D. Includes 37 appealing tunes, lyrics, dexterity exercises, fingering diagrams, and chart. For group or individual instruction. 32 pages. CD accompaniment available. Additional material - DUET TIME, Bk 1, SP2321 Photo
SP2308CD (Arnold, Alan/ arranger)
RECORDER TIME, Bk 1 CD / Contains 26 imaginative instrumental accompaniments for American, European, Asian & traditional music and is a delightful optional addition for use with the method. The accompaniment enhances the selections, and adds another dimension to the player's musical experience. Divided channels allow players to hear the complete stereo performance of recorder and accompaniment together, as well as separately, by adjusting the balance control on the CD player.
SP2321 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
RECORDER TIME, Bk 2 soprano/ Intermediate beginner soprano method for group or individual instruction. Contains appealing musical examples, exercises, diagrams, and fingering chart. Musical and technical suggestions included. Excellent for use after any beginning method. 32 pages For additional material - DUET TIME, Bk. 2, SP2322 see SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Photo
SP2355 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
PLAYING SOPRANO RECORDER/ A basic soprano recorder method for group or individual instruction suitable for older children (9-10 & up) to adults with no previous musical experience. Introduces notes from low C to high E with F, Bb & C#. Contains technical suggestions, dexterity exercises, fingering diagrams and chart. Fifty musical selections cover a wide variety of styles and periods. No lyrics included. 32 pages.
SP2358 (Burakoff, Gerald & Sonya)
HANDS ON RECORDER/ A completely sequenced beginning soprano method book for the 3rd and 4th grade instructional level, with musical and technical suggestions for the student and teacher. Notes are taught in a pentatonic sequence: B,A,G,E,D,C',F#. The music used represents many cultures and styles with traditional and original lyrics. There are 45 delightful selections, fingering diagrams, and fingering chart. Suitable for both group and individual instruction. 32 pages. CD accompaniment available (see next item) Photo
SP2358CD (Arnold, Alan)
HANDS ON RECORDER CD/ An outstanding accompaniment CD composed, arranged and orchestrated by Alan Arnold. Contains 26 selected instrumental accompaniments which are musically appropriate, enhance an compliment each selection and add a new dimension to the student's musical experience an knowledge. Divided channels allow students to hear the complete stereo performance of recorder and accompaniment together, as well as, recorder or accompaniment separately, by adjusting the balance control on the CD player.
WRB1 (Rosenberg, Steve)
RECORDER PLAYING/ Designed for classroom use this book makes considerable use of authentic music for the recorder - music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. After only a few lessons the pupil starts to play real music, giving a feeling of interest and achievement. There are helpful suggestions for the teacher. Brief introduction on breath, tonguing, rhythm. Notes covered are; B,A,G,C,D,F#,E,D,F,Bb, C high E,F & G Exercises, solos, duets, trios by composers such as Chedeville, Gervaise, Susato, Purcell, Hotteterre etc. 31 pages Photo