recorder teacher

Courtly Music Unlimited

Everything for the recorder enthusiast, or those who would like to be!

Richie & Elaine Henzler, Proprietors
800-2-Richie (800-274-2443)

89 River Street, 3rd Floor Unit 3 (River Street Plaza),
Warrensburg, NY 12885-1665



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Part Number and Description Price
DER1014 (Duschene, Mario)
STUDIES IN ALTO RECORDER PLAYING by Mario Duschenes, 79 daily exercises encompassing all the scales
DER1015 (Duschene, Mario)
12 ETUDES by Mario Duschenes for Alto Recorder Excellent first etude book for the intermediate player. A good follow up to the Rooda. Each etude is a full size page long and works on specific interval or rhythmic patterns in a pleasing melodic exercise
ED9761 - Advanced Recorder Technique Vol 1 (Heyen & Bowman)
ADVANCED RECORDER TECHNIQUE VOL 1 Finger and Tongue Technique The Art of Playing the Recorder by Gudrun Heyens Intended for advanced ALTO RECORDER players who are seeking rigorous practice material for developing their skills. The aim is that within the purely technical material the player will be able to discover and transform the musical parameter of sound, movement, tension/relaxation, and from that learn to deal musically with the individual technical elements. Volume I deals with Finger movements for trilling-articulation-scales/arpeggios/chromatic scales-scales in thirds-double tonguing (d-g-d-g) - virtuoso technique in all keys -broken chord patterns-trills (repertoire examples) - finger vibrato/flattement (fingering charts and repertoire examples) -double tonguing (di-d'll). Highly recommended!!! 81 pages Photo
ED9762 - Advanced Recorder Technique Vol 2 (Heyens/Bowman)
ADVANCED RECORDER TECHNIQUE VOL 2 Breathing and Sound The Art of Playing the Recorder by Gudrun Heyens Book 2 is concerned with breathing and sound. A technique for breathing is introduced which deals exclusively with the particular requirements of blowing on the recorder both as a physical action and as creative note-shaping. It is intended for advanced recorder players, recorder teachers and amateur musicians who want to develop awareness and confidence in their use of breathing. Chapters:1. Physical Sensitivity 2. Becoming aware of breathing 3. Diaphragm Awareness 4. Breathing Exercises (without the instrument) 5.Breathing Exercises (with the instrument) 6. Breath Support 'flexible tension' 7. Exercises for Sound 8. Vibrato 9. Phrasing and Breathing 10. Suggestions for Note-Shaping in Examples from the Repertoire. 47 pages. Absolutely the best book on sound & breathing!!! Applicable to all recorder players. Photo
HRW4 (Rooda)
DEXTERITY EXCERCISES AND DANCES for F Recorders by G. Rooda. A classic! Every recorder player should have this half-size, handy book. It is divided into 4 sections: I) Intervals - exercises covering 8 major scales working on intervals 2nds to 5ths. II) Little etudes: there are two exercises & two songs for each of the various keys. III) Articulation - slurring & legato playing with songs & execises in various keys. IV) Rhythms: sixteenths, dotted notes, 6/8 & 3/8 using English Country, Morris & Sword Dance music. Definitely builds dexterity.
JRCM (Charlton, Andrew)
THE CHARLTON METHOD FOR THE RECORDER A Manual for the Advanced Player. Bernard J. Hopkins in the November 1982 issue of The American Recorder reviewed the first edition. The review started: 'If a serious and determined recorder player is seeking a guide for his ascent of Parnassus, he will find it in this volume. Andrew Charlton ... has produced this 'Complete Recorder Player' to fill a long-felt need for a comprehensive adult tutor.' Contents include: Fingering & trill charts, 63 basic technique exercises, 69 articulation & coordination studies, 14 interval studies, Alternate fingering studies and exercises, 39 scale & arpeggio studies, 16 studies for bass, Vibrato, 12 studies and 16 duos from the works of Bach, Renaissance embellishment, Baroque embellishment, double & triple tonguing, Clefs-including 17 exercises and 2 duets, 22 characteristic etudes for various recorders, 15 duos by a wide variety of composers for various recorder combinations. 180 pages. For both C & F recorders (This is not specifically a bass method, but it contains a wealth of bass material.) Photo
M003002521 - 40 Studies for Alto Recorder (linde Hoffer-v. Winterfeld)
40 STUDIES FOR ALTO RECORDER adapted from the solfeggios of Frederick the Great. Selected from the studies written down for the daily use of Frederick the Great. Probably composed by his teacher the famous flautist, J.J. Quantz. There are several exercises for each key (both major and minor). These are some of the best exercises for developing finger technique and working on baroque trills and phrasing. Definitely a book every alto recorder player should have and use it often. It is a classic! For the intermediate who wants to become advanced or the advanced player who wants to kee their fingers limber. For ALTO RECORDER A full-page format with measure numbers, 23 pages. Photo
150 CLASSICAL STUDIES for Alto Recorder from the famous Frans Vester Collection. Edited by Irmhold Beutler and Sylvia c. Rosin. Today the Vester studies are part of every flautist's standard repertoire. The current edition makes this comprehensive collection available to recorder players. The musical selections span the period between 1700 and 1900 featuring pieces from the late Baroque, Classical and Romatic periods that extend the boundaries of the traditional recorder repertoire. These studies are musically exciting and complimentary to existing recorder studies. FOR: ALTO RECORDER, 87 page book, Upper Intermediate to Advanced Photo
UE36968 (Han Ulrich Staeps)
THE DAILY LESSON by Hans Ulrich Staeps for ALTO RECORDER. Staeps, a 20th century composer, composed some of the most beautiful music there is for recorders. These exercises are written for the improvement of fingering, articulation and breathing technique, as well as, increasing of speed. As daily exercises, when mastered completely, they should be played through in 40 minutes all together. The composition and the order of the exercises are based on the author's long experience as a teacher. Topics are: Pentatonic sequences, loosening of left thumb & wrist, scales major & minor. thirds, trochaic & inabic slurs, chords, descending fourths, chromatic scale & sequences, 7th chords, octaves and much more. A 32-page exercise book for ALTO RECORDER, Playing level is Intermediate to Advanced. Photo