couple playing recorder in the snow

Courtly Music Unlimited

Everything for the recorder enthusiast, or those who would like to be!

Richie & Elaine Henzler, Proprietors
800-2-Richie (800-274-2443)

89 River Street, 3rd Floor Unit 3 (River Street Plaza),
Warrensburg, NY 12885-1665


The Adirondacks are beautiful in September. Labor Day weekend we held an in-store workshop featuring American folk music from the 19th & 20th centuries, Renaissance Fantasias by William Byrd, and 21st-century music by contemporary Swiss composer, Raphael B. Meyer.

Please join us at our next in-store Workshop on Saturday & Sunday, November 16th & 17th. Watch this page for more information.

NEW! Yamaha has come out with new models the YRA322B & YRS322B. A new version of the YRS/A312B. The rosewood finish is the same, they come in a beige zipper case. The tuning has been improved to 21st-century tuning, which is slightly higher. The tuning is compatible with modern woods by MOECK & MOLLENHAUER. The tone is slightly woodier, more like rosewood. We are pleased to say the price is the same as the older models.

It is time to think about music for the holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah etc. Check our extensive music listings, we have music for all occasions.

Teaching, both in-person and online keeps us busy.  In addition to private lessons, we lead in-store and online groups.  Twice a month on Sunday afternoons we lead two advanced recorder trio classes and once a month a lower-intermediate alto recorder trio class.  In all classes, we play a wide variety of musical styles. The online classes are live sessions not just another play-along session. Give us a try, we would love to work with you!  Richie & Elaine have been making music with people for over 40 years.

Treat yourself! There is nothing more enjoyable than playing a beautiful, in-tune wooden recorder. Elaine, with 35 years of experience, refines the tuning of every wooden recorder. We have a nice variety of well-tuned wooden recorders in stock.  If we do not have what you want we order it directly from Mollenhauer, Moeck or Coolsma and you will receive it in a few weeks.

If you plan to visit our store in Warrensburg, NY here are our hours: Mornings we are teaching.          Monday - Closed (open only by appointment), Tuesday - 11:30 am to 5 pm, Wed. - 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm, Thurs. - 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Friday - 11:30 pm to 5:30 pm, Saturday 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm


Richie and Elaine

Please explore our new Mobile-Ready website on your PC, smartphone, or tablet. It is designed to simplify the location and purchase of the instruments, music, and accessories which will expand your musical world. We hope to hear from you soon!

We are Richie and Elaine Henzler, two recorder players and teachers who are passionate about recorder and music.

We both started playing recorder as young children and have never stopped. In our teen and college years we both played bassoon, graduating from The Juilliard School with BM & MM degrees and all the while, continuing to play (and teach) our true musical love, the recorder. Our goal is to help as many people as possible experience the same joy from playing recorder and making music with others. We are not just out to sell you something. With our depth of knowledge we can advise you about method books, all styles of music, instruments and general musical question you may have. Recorder is a melodic wind instrument that can play any period or style of music from medieval to contemporary.

More about us...

Need a teacher? Consider a Skype lesson with Elaine or Richie, two of the most patient Juilliard grads around, with over 25 years of experience with all age groups. Our rates are reasonable and the scheduling is flexible. Consider joining us at one of our workshops. If you are vacationing in the Adirondacks, stop by the store for a live lesson.

We may not have the financial resources to keep a large inventory of recorders in stock but it is worth the wait and here's why - we provide value added service. Because wood is a dynamic material, every wooden recorder is slightly different; so, before sending a recorder out it is checked for speaking and tuning by Elaine with any necessary adjustments made. When you receive an instrument from us you'll be well satisfied. And remember, if you can't find what you are looking for here on our website, please contact us and let us find it for you.